
eBusiness directory | eCommerce | eLogistics | eLoyalty | eRewards


eBusiness directory | eCommerce | eLogistics | eLoyalty | eRewards

dBazzar is a movement in collaboration with "S Pay Global" and "SAINS" aimed at providing a true digital lifestyle experience via our online platform. dBazzar is an all in one platform, SuperApp combining eBusiness directory, eCommerce, eLogistics, eLoyalty, eRewards.


Over 3000+ merchants joined dBazzar

Our Business Partner

SPAY logo
SAINS is a private company wholly owned by the Sarawak State Government and a leading ICT Systems Integrator and Solutions Provider in Sarawak. SAINS has an extensive track record and skills dedicated to providing business solutions and end-to-end IT services to its customers. Collaborating with dBazzar, SAINS provides ICT infrastructure that brings dBazzar to life and catering users from both the Google App Store and Apple App Store.
SAINS logo
S Pay Global (formerly known as Sarawak Pay) is the Sarawak Government Fintech mobile app platform that provides a convenient and secured e-wallet functionality. Through S PAY Global collaboration with dBazzar, users can make digital payment for bills and purchases at participating merchants. Users can also top up their e-wallet through internet banking and credit cards to enjoy the convenience of cashless transactions.

SPay Logo

S Pay Global (formerly known as Sarawak Pay) is the Sarawak Government Fintech mobile app platform that provides a convenient and secured e-wallet functionality. Through S PAY Global collaboration with dBazzar, users can make digital payment for bills and purchases at participating merchants. Users can also top up their e-wallet through internet banking and credit cards to enjoy the convenience of cashless transactions.

Sains Logo

SAINS is a private company wholly owned by the Sarawak State Government, and a leading ICT Systems Integrator and Solutions Provider in Sarawak. SAINS have an extensive tract record and skills dedicated towards providing business solutions and end-to-end IT services to their customers. Collaborating with dBazzar, SAINS provide server or software that brings dBazzar comes to life and able to be used by users from the Google App Store and Apple App store. Other than being one of the shareholder of dBazzar, SAINS also provides firewall and pen-test as a security measures for every dBazzar app user.